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THE iDOLM@STER - DDV (Doujinshi)
THE iDOLM@STER - Dig Dug Vampire (Doujinshi)
daishinrin / unknown. (circle)
I Know What He Is
나는 그 남자가 누구인지 알고 있다 / I Know Who He Is, I Know Who That Man Is
Issue / So-Young Jang
Kyou kara Zombie!
今日からゾンビ! / Zombie From Now On!
Big Comic Superior / Yuugo Ishikawa / 石川 優吾 / Tsukasa Araki / 荒木 宰
Breath of Fire IV - Across the Nightmare (Doujinshi)
Breath of Fire IV dj - Across the Nightmare
Ryuusei no Rockman 3
Mega Man Star Force 3 / Ryūsei no Rokkuman 3 / Shooting Star Rockman 3 / 流星のロックマン3
othello / Snow White in Summer, Yowa no Kawori, Night's Fragrance, Haruka no Fuchi, Night's Abyss
Toui Hasumi / 蓮見 桃衣
Bakumatsu Seishun Hanafubuki
幕末青春花吹雪 / Bakumatsu Seisyun Hanafubuki, Bakamatsu Youth's Snowstorm of Flowers
Nabako Kamo / 果桃 なばこ
雪花 -せつかー / Setsuka / Snowflakes
Yukako Anan / 安南 友香子
Touhou - Futari de Yukidaruma o Tsukurou! (Doujinshi)
Touhou dj - Futari de Yukidaruma o Tsukurou! / Touhou dj - Let’s Make a Snowman Together!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Love Stories of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac
星の恋物語 / Hoshi no Koimonogatari / Like the Stars, Like the Snow, Fish and My Spica, My Unexceptional Yesterday, Secret, Millennium Loneliness, Guide
Arina Tanemura / 種村 有菜 / Toriko Chiya / 稚野 鳥子 / Kaoru Fujiwara / 藤原 薫 / Takako Shimura / 志村 貴子 / Comic Spica / Sakuya Amano / 天乃 咲哉 / Fumiko Tanikawa / 谷川 史子 / Daisy Yamada / 山田 デイジー / Mika Hisaka / 日坂 水柯 / Kirin Tendou / 天堂 きりん / Tsunami Umino / 海野 つなみ / Yuuko Uramoto / ウラモト ユウコ / Yuko Uramoto / Nozo Itoi / 糸井 のぞ
🇯🇵Josei(W),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Tsuki no Sabaku
月の砂漠 / The Lunar Desert, I'm Not Fit to be a Detective, Dream Dweller, Snowflakes
RuTile / Takahide Kamei / 亀井 高秀
🇯🇵Romance,Shounen ai,Supernatural
Aldnoah Zero Boku no Namae wa Kimi ga Shitte Iru (Doujinshi)
You are the one who knows my name, if I can fly to the sky once again
Haganai: I Don't Have Many Friends - Now With 50% More Fail!
僕は友達が少ない ショボーン! / Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Shobon! / Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Sho-bon!, Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Shoobon!
Comic Alive / Chiruwo Kazahana / 風華 チルヲ / Bisai'd / bisaid Label / 美彩'd / Shirabi / しらび / Life is free
Anata no Shiranai Sekai
あなたの知らない世界 / A World Unknown to You, The World You Don't Know, The Scream of Glass, I Want The Lead Role, Exciting Mysterious Club, I Want To Be With You Forever, Haunted Afternoon, My Place In The World
Ciao / Kaoru Igarashi / 五十嵐 かおる / Miki Ueda / Eiko Komuro / 小室 栄子 / Chitosa Hayatsu / Jun Kawamura / Ryouko Mizoguchi / 溝口 涼子
Awayuki no Namida
淡雪の涙 / Tears of the Light Snowfall
Cheese! / Mihoko Sakuraba / 桜葉 みほこ
Sunroom ni te
サンルームにて / In the Solarium, In the Sunroom, Snow angels and the stars, Sunroom nite
Keiko Takemiya / 竹宮 惠子
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Shounen ai