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Kenzen Robo Daimidaler
健全ロボ ダイミダラー / Daimidaler the Sound Robot, Daimidaier: Prince v.s. Penguin Empire
Fellows! / Asaki Nakama / なかま 亜咲
Othello (Toui Hasumi)
Othello / othello / Snow White in Summer / Yowa no Kawori / Night's Fragrance / Haruka no Fuchi / Night's Abyss
toui hasumi
Yaoi(BL),Shounen ai
Le Théâtre
Oeufs D'ange / Tenshi no Tamago / Velvet Going Underground / Childhood's End / Bite Me Something / Long Along Alonging / Till Dawn / Leçon un / My Skin on My Back / Highland Walker / Perfect World / Perfect Lady / Looks Like a Teaspoon / The Pearl Blue Story / I Am a Piano / Parade / Noël / Teddy Bear Satsujin Jiken / The Teddy Bear Murder Case / Yonshimai Satsujin Jiken / A is for Alice / Nedai no Musume Atelier no Musume / The Bedroom Girl, The Sculpture Room Girl / B&W / Black&White / Le Jardin du thé / The Tea Garden / Free Fitting for Her / Rose Dusk, Pale Moon / Hello, My Sister / The Happy Prince / Welcome to Wonderland
asumiko nakamura
Supernatural,Comedy,Romance,Fantasy,Drama,Slice of Life
Give My Regards to Black Jack
Black Jack ni Yoroshiku / Say Hello to Black Jack / 杏林先锋 / 医界风云 / ブラックジャックによろしく
shuho sato
鎧光赫赫 / Luminous and brightness, Yume-Zamurai, Sengoku Juuhei Magoichi, Raiden Tokkou, Dangan Gaki, Chigusa-touge no Arashi, Rapid Fire, Maiko no Heya
Fellows! / Mitsuhisa Kuji / 久慈 光久
Fake! (Tanabe Yellow)
Lost Princess / Kekkaishi / Birthday / Yami no Taka / フェイク! / Birthday (TANABE Yellow)
yellow tanabe
What's Michael?
ホワッツ マイケル? / Hello Michael!
Morning / Makoto Kobayashi / 小林 まこと
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Comedy,Slice of Life
Red Blinds The Foolish
愚か者は赤を嫌う / Orokamono wa Aka wo Kirau / Oroka-mono wa Aka o Kirau
est em / えすと えむ / Mellow Mellow
For Whom the Steel Tolls
誰が為に鋼は鳴る / Dare ga Tame ni Hagane wa Naru / Tagatame ni Hagane wa Naru
Taka Amano / 天乃 タカ / Fellows!
Next Door Honey
ネクスト・ドア・ハニィ / Himitsu no Hanazono, Hajimete Monogatari, Otakare!, Kareshi ni Naritai, Koi made Matenai
Mellow Mellow / Jion Imamoto / 今本 次音
"Hello Cycling" to the girl who adores senpai's leg.
"Hello Cycling" to the girl who adores senpai's leg.
Totsuno Takahide
Oji-san to Marshmellow
Motto! Oji-san to Marshmellow / Ojisan to Marshmallow / Souda! Oji-san to Marshmellow / おじさんとマシュマロ / そうだ! おじさんとマシュマロ / もっと! おじさんとマシュマロ / 大叔与棉花糖
otoi rekomaru
Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Perfect Pink
パーフェクト・ピンク / Bad♥Experiment
Mellow Kiss / Hasami Sahara / さはら 鋏 / サハラ砂漠 / Sahara Sabaku
Oji-san to Marshmallow
おじさんとマシュマロ / そうだ! おじさんとマシュマロ / もっと! おじさんとマシュマロ / 大叔与棉花糖 / Motto! Oji-san to Marshmallow / Souda! Oji-san to Marshmallow / Oji-san to Marshmellow / OjiMarsh / OjiiMashu / Souda! Oji-san to Marshmellow / Motto! Oji-san to Marshmellow / Ojisan to Marshmallow
rekomaru otoi
Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
No no Kagi
野の鍵 / The Key To The Fields
Fellows! / Sayo Watanabe / 渡邉 紗代
THE iDOLM@STER - Sadness, Hello (Doujinshi)
Hello / THE iDOLM@STER dj - Sadness / The Idolmaster dj - Sadness
Umemoto Seisaku Iinkai (Circle),Sakayama Shinta
Club 9
へば! Helloちゃん / Heba! Hello-chan! / Miss Hello
Makoto Kobayashi / 小林 まこと / Super Manga Blast
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Comedy,Drama,Slice of Life
Touhou Project dj - Marshmallow Heart
東方Project dj - marshmellow heart
Chitose Usanamaco
The Girl from an Idol Group that Decided to Wake Up One of Her Fellow Members on Stream, But Had a Small Accident
The Girl from an Idol Group that Decided to Wake Up One of Her Fellow Members on Stream, But Had a Small Accident / ネット配信でガチの寝起きドッキリを企画した結果、寝るときは裸じゃないと眠れないメンバーのせいで放送事故を起こしてしまったアイドルグループの女の子
Kiiroi Kaigan
黄色い海岸 / The Yellow Beach, Window
Nemuki / TONO / undefined TONO