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Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell
Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell / 지옥에서 돌아온 한대성
Grujam (Lee Seo Kyung) / Brown Panda
5984🇰🇷Webtoon,Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Supernatural,Full Color
A Story About A Man And A Woman And When They Sleep Together, Money Appears Out Of Nowhere
Cerita tentang seorang pria dan seorang wanita yang saat "bermesraan" uang muncul entah darimana / Ichaicha suruto okane ga wai chau danjo no hanashi / イチャイチャするとお金が湧いちゃう男女の話
11Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Mystery,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Number One Star Instructor Master Baek
Ganjjajang / Lee Seok-jun
28Shounen(B),Action,Fantasy,Martial Arts
When The Count's Illegitimate Daughter Gets Married
My Unexpected Marriage / Kont’un Gayrimeşru Çocugu Evlenirse / Les Noces gelées / When the Count's Illegitimate Daughter Gets Married / Когда незаконнорожденная дочь графа / 伯爵家の嫌われ公女が結婚したら / 伯爵家私生女的婚後生活 / 当伯爵家的私生女结婚时 / 백작가의 사생아가 결혼하면
랏슈 / Rash / MATT (문명인)
Window Beyond Window
창 너머 창 / Window Beyond The Window / Window to Window / Chang Neomeo Chang / 窗外的窗 / Окна напротив
lee aru
The Exiled Heavy Knight Knows How to Game the System
The Exiled Reincarnated Heavy Knight Is Unrivaled In Game Knowledge / Tsuihou Sareta Tenshou Juu Kishi wa game Chishiki de Musou Suru / 追放された転生重騎士はゲーム知識で無双する
Nekoko / BroccoLee / Jaian
Truthfully, They Only Remembered Her
De hecho, solo la recuerdan! / In Fact, They Only Remembered Her / The Truth Is, They All Remembered Her / 사실, 그들은 오직 그녀만을 기억하고 있었습니다
ryu heeon (류희온) / nubi / shin leeho (신이호)
125Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Drama,Fantasy,Romance,Reverse Harem
Lazy Dungeon Master
Dungeon master wants to sleep now and forever... / The Dungeon Master That Absolutely Doesn't Want to Work Before Indulging in Laziness / Zettai ni Hatarakitakunai Dungeon Master ga Damin wo Musaboru made / Лени изволит предаваться Хранитель Подземелья — он совершенно не хочет работать! / Ленивый мастер подземелий / 絶対に働きたくないダンジョンマスターが惰眠をむさぼるまで
Onikage Supana / Nanaroku
Koi wa Ii kara Nemuritai!
恋はいいから眠りたい! / Forget About Love, I Want to Sleep!, Nanashino Kotori wa Nemurasenai
Comic REX / Shiharu / しはる
Since I became a decoration queen, I decided to go to work secretly- I'm not lonely sleeping alone because there is a rabbit!~
Since I became a decoration queen, I decided to go to work secretly- I'm not lonely sleeping alone because there is a rabbit!~ / Okazari Ouhi ni Nattanode, Kossori Hataraki ni deru koto ni Shimashita ~Usagi ga Iru node Hitorine mo Sabishiku Arimasen!~ / お飾り王妃になったので、こっそり働きに出ることにしました ~うさぎがいるので独り寝も寂しくありません!~
Togashi Seiya / Houhou
A sleeping man and a loving man
眠り男と恋男 / Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko / Yasashii Dinner, Sweet dinner, Yoru wo Nigeru, Run from the night, Escape from the night, Taiyou to Himitsu, Sun and secrets, Matsu Hana, A waiting flower
Be x Boy GOLD / Ranmaru Zaria / 座裏屋 蘭丸 / ZARIA
Sleeping Charon
眠れる森のカロン / Nemureru Mori no Charon / Charon of the Sleeping Forest
Young Magazine the 3rd / Sayaka Mogi / 茂木 清香
Nemureru Mori no Binan
眠れる森美男 / Sleeping Beauty Boy, The Handsome Man in the Sleeping Woods, The Sleeping Beauty Man, The Sleeping Male Beauty in the Woods
Petit Flower / Wakuni Akisato / 秋里 和国 / 秋里 和国弐
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,Shounen ai
A Week of Lust
Yogmangui Iljuil / Неделя желания / 욕망의 일주일
fujo king / hato / ho ben / lee aru / mel / pyo ryu / tto mi
1Kouritsuchuu Madoushi, Daini no Jinsei de Madou wo Kiwameru
効率厨魔導師、第二の人生で魔導を極める / The Mage Will Master Magic Efficiently in his Second Life
Kenkyo na Circle / 謙虚なサークル / Kenkyonasakuru / サークルオブ謙虚 / Hye Seung Lee / 이 혜승 / Hesun / ヘスン / Lee Hee Seung
Nemuri Netarou Awararu!!
Nemuri Netarou Appears!! / Slumber Sleep Sam Appears!! / Slumber Sleeptarou Appears!!
amano akira
Sensei, Mou Ichido...
先生、もう一度... / Sensei, Mou Ichido, Anata no Yoko de Nemureru Jikan, Blanket Ichimai no Yoru, Houkenshitsu no Kagiana, Kankei Himitsuru!, Secret Relationship!, Infirmary's Keyhole, 1 Night Blanket, Time to Sleep Next to You, One More Time, Sensei, Kankei Hisuru!
Petit Comic / Izumi Miyazono / 宮園 いづみ
Sleeping Moon
眠れる月 / Nemureru Tsuki
Kano Miyamoto / 宮本 佳野 / Curve / Chara
Nemuri Hime: Yume Miru You ni Koi Shiteru
眠り姫 夢みるように恋してる / Nemurihime, Sleeping Beauty, Sleeping Princess
Yuna Sasaki / 佐々木 柚奈 / Mobile Flower
Mo, don’t run!
大叔你别跑 / Dashu Ni Bie Pao / Paman Mo, jangan lari! / Leer Mo, Don't Run! / Đại Thúc Ngươi Đừng Chạy / Chú Ơi Đừng Chạy!!!
wuli culture
Romance,School Life
Kuroko no Basuke dj - Boku no Himitsu no Naka de Nemuru Kimi no Me ga Sameru Made
黒子のバスケ dj - 僕の秘密の中で眠る君の目が醒めるまで / Kuroko no Basket dj - Till You Who Is Sleeping among My Secrets Awakens / Kuroko no Basuke dj - Till You Who Is Sleeping among My Secrets Awakens
fancioulle (sabori)
Doujinshi,Drama,School Life,Shounen ai
Free! dj - Nemurihime ga Mezameru ni wa
Free! dj - ねむり姫が目覚めるには / Free! dj - Waking Up Sleeping Beauty
07koubou (sasahara rena)
I'd Rather Sleep with You Than Work
仕事するより君と寝たい。 / Shigoto suru yori Kimi to Netai. / I Rather Have Sex Than Work.
BOY'S Pierce / Makoto Itsuki / いつき まこと
Konya mo Nemurenai
今夜も眠れない / No Sleep Tonight
RuTile / Kotetsuko Yamamoto / 山本 小鉄子
Soko wa Nemuri no Mori
そこは眠りの森 / There Lies the Sleeping Forest, The Stars Knows Everything, Climb the Stairs of Cinderella, Hoshi wa Nandemo Shitteiru, Cinderella Kaidan wo Nobore
Betsucomi / Setona Mizushiro / 水城 せとな
Yuri Tengoku
百合天国 ガールズ系学園アンソロジー / Yuri Tengoku Anthology, Girls' Heaven, Yuri Heaven, Shining Mars, Omoi no Kisetsu, Rooftop, Bound by a Red String, The Glade in the Forest Behind the School, I'm Here, She, I, and the Red Book, You're Lovelier than a Rose, Autumn Sleepiness, Beyond the Sk
Hiro Hoshiai / 星逢 ひろ / KOUITI / Heppoko-kun / へっぽこくん / Kaoru Teramoto / 寺本 薰 / Kyourin Takanae / 高苗 京鈴 / Takanaedoko
🇯🇵Drama,Romance,Shoujo ai
I Love You yori Aishiteru
愛羅武勇より愛してる / Ai Rabu Yuu yori Aishiteru, Nigetai Shinyuu, Fleeing From My Best Friend, Out of the Blue!, Onaka wo Sukasete Kaettekuru ne
Hirari, / Kumichou / くみちょう
2🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,Shoujo ai
Draw: Majo no Nemuru Umi de
DRAW 魔女の眠る海で / Draw: The Ocean Where the Witch Sleeps
Saki Okuse / 奥瀬 サキ / 奥瀬 早紀 / Chaco Abeno / 阿倍野 ちゃこ / Chako Abeno / Kappa Create / カッパくりえいと / HAKKA PINK / Young Champion Retsu
Dignified asleep Saeki
佐伯さんは眠ってる / Saeki-san wa Nemutteru
Robinson Haruhara / 春原 ロビンソン / You Kokikuji / 小菊路 よう / Palcy
I Can't Sleep Alone
今夜も一人で眠れない; 今夜も一人で眠れない / ちゃおホラーコレクション 3 / Konya mo Hitori de Nemurenai / I Can't Sleep Alone, Welcome to the World of the Picture-Book, I Want You Close, I See a Hen, Forest of Memory, The Show-Off Ghost, Message S.O.S., Message SOS, Me Inside the Mirror, Doll Shop
Kiyoko Arai / あらい きよこ / Ciao / Eiko Komuro / 小室 栄子 / Miyuki Oobayashi / おおばやし みゆき / Satoru Takamiya / 高宮 智 / Eriko Ono / おの えりこ / Junko Kagari / かがり 淳子 / Shinko Kumazaki / 熊崎 慎子 / Sakura Yamada / 山田 さくら
Arcana - Kyuuketsuki
ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (4) [吸血鬼] / Arcana 4 - Kyuuketsuki, Arcana - Vampire, Sleeping Vampire, Mushroom and Kappa, Crossing the River, Crossing the River, The Aegis of the Coffin of Time, Forest of Nobility, Chiyo-sama!, The Catharsis of Truth, A Gentle Temperature
Arashi Shindou / 神堂 あらし / Sora Omote / Yun Kouga / 高河 ゆん / Sakura Kinoshita / 木下 さくら / Shinobu Takayama / 高山 しのぶ / Tama Yugyoji / 遊行寺 たま / Tama Yugyouji / Yoshinori Kisaragi / 如月 芳規 / Bikke / びっけ / BK / BK0418 / Studio FZ / Shiki Kayase / 榧世 シキ / Ran Igarashi / 五十嵐 嵐 / Mame Serikawa / 芹川 豆 / Miku Inui / 乾 みく / Yashirou Saeki / 佐伯 弥四郎 / Guriko Magami / 魔神 ぐり子 / Azusa Amamiya / 天宮 あずさ